Thursday, September 4, 2014

Toyota Yaris Brown and Cony...and Beans? Already?

It's been a little while and wow, what's happening? So many new things! Yes, while I was gone we got the very beautiful Kinnara Cony, super charming Muay Thai Brown, paradoxical nanny Erica, and just plain oddball Summer. I was thinking about whether to backtrack and I've mostly decided against going back and discussing a lot of the issues and difficulties with the Ravine of Death as well as delving into the details of the 4 new rangers of early September 2014. The reason largely being that reading old news is  uninteresting and most people have probably already figured out what the rangers are about and the ups and downs about them.

On to the new stuff, which are Brown and Cony on Toyota Yaris, and this mysterious fellow named Beans. I just love Brown in his classy red hat. Frankly, all I'm seeing when I look at Beans is the really slow, annoying Pokey that somehow always got me in trouble in Super Mario Bros.
Pokey, is that you?
The event splash screen doesn't give much information so we are all left to wonder what it is about. We're all speculating whether Beans is a ranger or some kind of currency that will help us get a ranger of our choice to master level. I personally would have preferred it being the latter, but that would involve a level of change in ranger design that I don't think the game developer is willing to make, as well as a loss of income that they're not willing to forego. Indeed, if Beans was a new magical new way to give us freebie upgrades to our rangers, people could potentially use it as a free pass and upgrade the next latest and greatest ranger. And let us not forget that the average estimated cost of spinning Gacha until you get 5 limited rangers is in the hundreds of dollars (USD), or several thousand rubies. That's a really tough sell from the point of view of LINE, but would be a huge free pass for players. As much as I would like for this to be true, I doubt it.

Beans' model data is stored in the same way as our existing units, which is why some clever people online have been able to produce "drop test" videos with mock ups of the new units in action. Everything seems to suggest that Beans is nothing more than a new ranger that LINE Rangers plans to give away, provided that players log in each and every day for 4 weeks. In all likelihood, Beans will be available via Premium Gacha soon anyway.

Yaris Brown and Cony look really adorable. It seems that between Edward, Brown and Cony, Line Town's roads are starting to fill up with vehicles. Toyota must be doing some cross-promotional event with Line to put out Yaris rangers. It's another clever little ploy to get us to spend money for rubies to get them.

The Burnout

I know tons of long-time players out there are feeling the burn recently - myself included - and are really starting to take pause whenever new rangers are released. Many points of view and feelings were expressed in the previous post's comments. If you look back on previous months' posts regarding newly released rangers, the story is the same and players have only gotten increasingly disgruntled with time. This is understandable. I think everyone falls somewhere in the spectrum of still enamored with the game and completely fed up with the game. Probably the longer you've been playing, the more tired you are feeling. I know I am. This is not 100% true for everyone, of course, but I think this is generally so. Newer players are coming in at a very exciting time as there is so much to do, so much content to enjoy, and the current end stages are quite challenging (largely depending on the ranger team you have in your possession). To see that new rangers are on the horizon merely days after the arrival of the 4 we just got is both exciting and frustrating. This trend will continue so long as the game remains profitable and the number of new players is greater than the attrition of veteran players.

I'm kind of at a crossroads myself. Having taken a significant break from blogging/racing to the cutting edge of the game, I'm beginning to see that there is no end to the cycle of content and it is getting really tough to keep up without either tons of money or tons of time (neither of which I can spare recently! lol). The last new master rangers I got were Luis and Cherina, and I mastered them weeks after they released, over the span of several double-chance gacha events. I didn't even get a Kinnara Cony this time (so sad, she's so pretty) and I found that it didn't bother me terribly. I know that shortly, some other Cony will come and make Kinnara Cony look just cute by comparison, just as Erica is now making KSM seem like kid stuff.

The very bad news is I'm still not done with Ravine of Death, having been very busy with other stuff lately, and therefore really feel like I have no business posting advice about it! Combined with the fact that I haven't put down much money on, nor gotten much luck from the Gacha spins in several months, my team is practically ancient (60 Muay Thai Brown, 80 KSM, 80 Ola Brown, 80 DKB, and 80 Dumpy is my current default PvP lineup). Not even having enough time to play, of course means I have not had time to explore some of the finer details of the game as I used to. I'll continue to keep an eye out for pertinent tips, research/info, and will still post anytime inspiration hits me, though! I'll also do my best to keep up with the times.

Besides real life, what else has been keeping me busy? Does anyone play World of Warcraft? I raided regularly on that MMORPG until late May of this year. The new expansion for WoW will be releasing soon (October pre-expac patch expectations, + release drop in November), and while I don't anticipate returning to hardcore raiding, it may still persuade me away from my beloved Line Rangers pretty significantly. But I won't give up on Sally. I feel as if I really can't/shouldn't! I have spent more money on Line Rangers in the past half year than I have spent on WoW in the past several years!

But look, Line Rangers game makers: I'd really love to save Sally sometime before Azeroth needs my help again. Can we get to Dr. Mephisto before Halloween? Kthx!


  1. LR better increase the chances in Gacha if they want us to save Sally before Halloween.

  2. Hi Panic. Im happy to read your update again! i really understand your dilemma, it must be so tough to quit with a game u have put so much effort and passion into.
    Peronally i dont see that the developpers will change their policy about realising new OP rangers every month. I have spend money on rubies to get the new rangers mastered, though i never did that in any other mobile game before. The game is just too seductive somehow... Anyway if there will be new OP rangers next month, wich makes the latest rangers useless i might just quit. I just hope that the developers have enough insight to see that they are ruining their game and losing their customers...

    Ps: i dont think they will relase the final stage any time soon, why should they? its easy to create new stages and the cow can still be milked...

    1. Hi Alexander. Yeah, I agree, even if they continue the game in the form of an episode 2 story or something, the pattern of new op desirable rangers every ~4 weeks won't change as long as the game remains captivating and profitable. There's something very compelling about Line Rangers. The gameplay is so simple that anyone can play. The characters are so loveable. Maybe the simple joy is part of its draw.

  3. Here's what might be a clue: On the Japanese splash screen, it's not "beans/biinzu," it's "binsu," or Vince. Definitely a character, not an item. And I would bet all the money in the world that he's going to be a four-star character

  4. Any comments on how we're no longer getting free rubies daily?

    1. It was always a non-guaranteed perk. They said it up front that we would get free rubies for good attendance for the month of August only. After that, all bets are off. It may return some day, but doesn't look like it will for the rest of this month at least.

    2. We still are, but it doesn't show as a pop up. Look in the TVC event notice, it says 5 rubies per day. So when we log in we actually get both bonuses.
      That video of the new rangers appears to be by the same guys that gave us the video of the last lot of new rangers before they were released, in the last one the distance was not accurate, but the rest was. I guess they have some .apk programming skills.

    3. Probably only regions participating in that event are still receiving rubies per day then. My ruby count hasn't moved in days.

    4. The weird thing is, in Aust we were getting free rubies daily since at least April, but how much has been declining (was 10 a day, then went to the coins/coins/coins/5 rubies/10 rubies/20 rubies, then 5 a day). Bit disheartening to see that we'll only be getting rubies guaranteed just from the team battle

    5. We are getting 2 gacha tickets a week from the beenz event, so it works out the same basically.

  5. What are gache tickets and how we use them????

    1. i've used one in the past; you go to the gacha page, then if you have gacha tickets then you will be prompted to use it instead of rubies. i forgot which gacha though

    2. Yeah, two tickets for one premium gacha. Wait for it guys, the new rangers releasing meant 30% ruby bonus + double chance event, don't forget to use the tickets at that time. ^^

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, friend id posts are allowed only on the Friend ID page. Thank you.

  7. Somehow those beans reminded me of angry birds, and flappy bird, and all the weird bird games out there. I wouldn't want him if he turns out to be a ranger... he's so... green. So ugly to look at. And if there's another set of ranger I'd be frustrated to the point where I think I'll just quit the game for awhile.

    And, I love brown's fedora hat. He looks very, very cool. Now I see why the residence of Line Town loves him ;p

  8. Lol, I'd rather line give us a yaris rather than a ranger that droves a yaris :p

  9. beans? that's will make the ranger instantly be a master? only for 4★ or 5★ can too? so curiously >.<

  10. Felt a bit sad reading your new update, as the passion for line rangers drained away. Although it is not likely that the beans will be items to master rangers, but line did something like this before in tsum tsum, with the honey drop event. In that event you can collect 8 drop of honey and get a ticket to level up your desired characters, pretty strategic ( yeah, you normally need to go through lucky draw to get a random character, and only through combining the same characters that you can level your character up). So I do really think, if line rangers doing something similar, it will reignite my passion on the game.

  11. This blog hints that Beans is a long range ★4 ranger.

    At the daily prize popup you can see that there is a ★4 text above Beans in day 7. In the resource files, Beans is already included along with its bullet images, idle state, walking state, hurt state, and attacking state.

    Most reasonable speculation remains that you will get 1 Beans ranger every 7th day of logging in. I bet that this mini-event will run for around 5 weeks so you will have 5 Beans at the end of the event, which you can combine all the way to Lv.70 (Master).

    Bummer. I was wishing that he was an item to instantly upgrade a ranger to Master :<

  12. My prediction is that beans is a 4star ranger that you can combine him with any ranger you desire with great success. With the 4 weeks event, you can have 4 beans thus master any ranger you have form basic level. And if he will later appear in gotcha, all the merrier.

    1. My prediction is that it will be a 4* ranger, period.

      I don't know why it should be anything else. There are resources in the game showing the full graphics of the ranger. We will be able to get him 5 times along the current month in order to master him.

      About the yaris Brown and Cony, they could appear to help us randomly like Golden Brown. But who knows.

    2. fully agree Dali. That's exactly what i think.

  13. I'd kinda hoped that Beans/Vince would be special to make up for the fact that his appearance coincided with the removal of rubies from the weekly reward. That was a pretty dispiriting removal on top of the burnout you mention (I've also been playing since day one, and yes, I'm feeling it.)

    The real trouble is, giving out a ranger as a log-in reward goes no way toward making the game more engaging - at least giving them out Shu-style required us to play! This event almost feels like it acknowledges the general malaise, the sense that some of us are just logging in, collecting our reward, logging out again while waiting for the next double chance day that month.

    Still, many games like this evolve (and LINE Rangers has plenty of ways it can evolve), so I'll keep logging in and collecting my beans. :P

  14. Whats up with all the whiny updates and posts? This game has always been something I played when waiting for public transport, seriously if you spend so much time on this then u really need a life! This is a casual game, why even bring WoW up?

    1. While you play it for a few minutes at a time, it takes me hours of work to create the content that exists on this blog, so it's anything but casual. But thanks for coming on here and posting your own piece of Internet negativity, asshole.

    2. Yes, I'm pretty tired of people complaining about complaints too. :P

      Quite paradoxical actually. Doesn't it make yourself a whinner as well?

      Come on, everyone is entitled to have his or her own opinion. And most of all, of course, the owner of the blog. If you don't like it, you may as well go somewhere else. If not, you're becoming exactly what you claiming to hate so much.

      Of course, this may be a casual game, but the pricing of rubies is way expensive for what you get, a mere chance of obtaining the good stuff.

      I, for one, am waiting until they think twice and stop giving us previously mastered stuff from gacha. Until then, so long, line rangers.

    3. Sorry u anonymous guys...I dont agree with ur statement... I remember back then no one knows about this blogs ...and nowadays it becomes very crowded....and for this past 2 weeks i kept checking to see whether panic had posted any information about this latest update and the ravine of death strategy.....

      So if u dont like other people works ..u may stop visiting here and stop giving negative replies....

      For Panic....U rocks....I would love to see ur next post soon...:D

    4. again...smh
      you are actually worse than those devs... at least they never threatening to stop the game... or selling BS like "so long line rangers"...

      @B...there might be no new strategy, i have a feeling panic will retire from LR quite soon, maybe she'll make a new WoW blog...

    5. You girl have such an annoying fixation with me. I know, I know, my fake moustache is so appealing. But still, please, give me a break

    6. Oneng, please do not deliver personal attacks. I don't mind anyone constructively presenting their own opinions, gripes and praises here, but the direct back and forth between you two is really enough. Dali is entitled to continue to comment even if he does quit the game.

      B, thank you, and I may do some stuff on Ravine of Death if I ever... beat it. Lol

    7. Thank you, Panic, It has been more than enough for me already too, so I'll try to behave and not feed this nonsense anymore.

      What stage are you at? 143? It was after a week camping here that I decided to stop trying to make my way through any further. If they don't lower the difficulty I don't think there'll be a way to clear neither this stage nor the next one anytime soon.

      Stages 140-142 look like the cutting point for what free rangers can achieve into the game, and even those require lv90+ minerals, all items and ultra-powerful friend help to be cleared.

      About my concerns, last Monday I sent to the Line Rangers developers an inquiry which reads like this:

      Hello. First of all let me thank you for developing Line Rangers. It's a funny game and I like it very much.

      Now, I’d like to share with you some thoughts on how your game could be improved.

      Most important: Premium gacha should NEVER give us rangers that we already had mastered, just like pets in Cookie Run work. I think this would improve both the game experience and Line income from ruby purchases. Please contact me if you want me to explain in detail why do I believe this because I reached the inquiry limit of 1,500 characters and I must stop right here.

      Other aspects with some room for improvement:

      - Cooldown rate should decrease proportionally with the progressive combinations of rangers, not abruptly to half when they get mastered
      - Rewards of coins and XP for clearing stages should be much, much higher at latest areas. The difference in difficulty should match the difference in rewards
      - Friend help: Sort by name/level and friend home buttons
      - Editable friend home: Players should be able to select which team they want to set up to help others. For instance, the three rangers in the middle of their current team, or, even better, an independent one
      - Daily challenge events: Give rubies to players that can complete a challenge, like, for instance, beating some fixed team or stage using only 2 rangers, or only up to 3 starred ones

      Thanks in advance for your time to take all this into consideration and feel free to contact me if you want me to explain anything in further detail

      The text I couldn't include because of reaching the limit was my in-depth explanation of my first point:

      Why do I think this would improve both the game experience and Line income from ruby purchases?

      It's very simple, actually. As a business owner myself, I know that it's better to have many small spenders than just a few customers who spend a lot of money.

      As the number of rangers increases, the odds of getting repetaed ones are very high. Eventually and progressively, this will discourage players into spending any amount of cash. Some of them being faithful customers who had bought many rubies in the past but then got bored or started feeling scammed while even more others, like myself, will never spend a single cent in the game if not having guaranteed that is not possible to get any previously mastered ranger, but will elsewise. That's a whole huge new market for you guys

      So, changing the gacha system will render both us players and you devs happier. That's a classic win-win situation.

      Now, are my demands so irrational that some people feel the urge of attacking me every time I bring them up?

      They answered me with a very polite and standard automatic response, so I decided to go on strike and stop playing. Now I'm only logging in once or twice a day to collect the attendance rewards and not much more, instead of spending hours of boring mindless grinding. I can't advance further so what would be the point in extending this weariness any longer.

      I hope they reconsider the points I explained and stop pushing their players out but I must confess that I'm not very confident in such thing.

    8. I don't think there's anything wrong with the suggestion to LINE at all. If they are smart, they'd take it well into consideration even if they do not implement it because it does describe the feelings surrounding Gacha very well. I like the other recommendations, too. It's all very well written in my opinion, and that in and of itself warrants reading lol

      I'm just past the first boss stage in Ravine, actually, but I don't remember where exactly. It's mostly from lack of trying. I really don't think I should be stuck anywhere, it's just that I haven't committed to sitting down and playing much. Whenever I have a few minutes, I just burn some pvp feathers, and then I'm gone again. It sounds like 144 sucks :P

    9. "While you play it for a few minutes at a time, it takes me hours of work to create the content that exists on this blog, so it's anything but casual. But thanks for coming on here and posting your own piece of Internet negativity, asshole. "

      I am talking about the game, you said you lost interest in it because wow expansion is gonna be out, how is that even compared to LR when it is a mere casual game that most would play in a few minutes. wow takes hours upon hours of grind/raids, not LR.

    10. Clearly you and I are reading different things. Everyone else seems to understand what I'm saying so...

    11. You want her to go get a life? Take your own advice asshole, spend your time on more valuable things than ripping into random bloggers on such a "casual game." This is a person blog, you know, for personal opinions. If the game is oh so casual, what are you doing on blogs for the game? Why Google it at all? Suck so bad by yourself that you can only rely on panics strats to get you through? ;)

    12. A lot of players play rangers for hours every day. Just because you don't, don't be so dismissive of how others choose to spend their time.

      Funny enough getting back into WoW has also dropped my rangers play to burning up the feathers once a day. Wasn't even logging in daily until the new event started.

  15. Dali make a pretty valid point there. I hope that line ranger development staff can hear at least half of Dali's inquiry. I was getting very, very bored of LR and I logged in just to received the daily log in reward AND see my crush's progress on LR (we both have this strange competitive nature towards each other, not the negative kind of competitive though, the kind where we'd beat each other but still encourage one another)

    Anyway, so the beans; is a ranger? I have to agree with that anon above, he's not that good to look at. But well... never mind, LR developer can do what they want to do :x

    But seriously, I'm getting bored with LR :(

    1. Thank you! After a few successive negative comments I was starting to doubt about the validity and legitimacy of my own arguments, lol.

      But, then again, I think of Cookie Run and its cookie & pet systems, and how that game, being more rational, respectful and fair with what its customers and their purchases, is making MORE money than Line Rangers. (Well, to be fair myself, the treasure system in Cookie Run sucks as much as gacha, if not even more, but still, a free player can achieve really crazy scores if he or she has the skills).

      For those unfamiliar with Cookie Run, in that game the systems to unlock pets and cookies consist on hatching a RANDOM egg without possibly getting any previously mastered pet and direct purchasing with coins after achieving some given conditions to unlock or directly with crystals otherwise, respectively.

      That unlocking system would fit in Line Rangers too, to prevent newbies from getting MuayThai Brown in their brand new account and then clearing almost every stage of the game spamming that ranger alone.

      Are you bored? Come on then, go on strike with me! Too bad we can't equip our rangers with banners in protest, haha.

    2. +1
      i am too, bored with LR.. but i cant just stop completely as ive spent quite much in this game to master susu hoping it is worth spending, but unfortunately its not.. the amount might be small for u guys, but it worth as much as average monthly salary in my country.. i dont enjoy playing it anymore as much as i did when i started.. i even logged in just to use the special feather and have stopped lvl up and loading rubies since edward came and take down my master susu so easily.. ive disappointed so much to LR.. im still waiting to see what kind of change they gonna do to bring back my enthusiasm..

  16. I agree with many of the complaints mentioned above. As a player who spent money trying to master rangers, it's very frustrating to receive rangers that I have already mastered. Also the difficulty in the new area is ridiculous! I've been stuck on level 143 and the golden bear that shows up is pretty much useless.

    1. Look and cry:

      This is so ridiculous. Any newbie who spends his free rubies and is lucky enough to master a couple of the new rangers can make it to the last stage despite being absolutely clueless of how the game is supposed to be played (not much fun), while the supporters of the game since day zero are dying of boredom at at stage 143 (not fun at all).

    2. Another one, uncombined Kinnara Cony (lv60) clearing the stage 124 on her own without any trouble:

      And let's not talk about facing Muaythai Brown in PVP without having Muaythay Brown in your lineup. Nuff said.

    3. About the first video, gotta tell its not a newbie thing. You can clean 143 with those 2 rangers, but you need 99 level to produce at this rate, and of course 5 of each in gacha to masterize... No free rubies will make it, but a good amount of money.

      On the second one, i think is quite similar to past updates, when lv60 cherina or dumpy cleared alone stages at Castle in the Sky from day one. New rangers are always overpowered. BUT this time, they are TOO overpowered, specially regarding PVP. And specially MuayThai. They lost perspective while releasing such meat-crusher, mean machine ranger.

    4. this is what makes me disappointed.. mastering limited ranger only worth till the end of month.. the following month, ur so called limited is going to be turned to ashed easily by new "limited" ranger...
      since edward released, my master susu didnt help at all.. and seeing someone with new ranger in team battle, i even stop trying to win the battle.. bcause i already know the result..

    5. Aw, don't be too discouraged, Lorry. Edward makes the match really hard, but not altogether a lost cause automatically. I don't have a single Susu myself :(

    6. Dali you are obviously one of the big whiners here. almost every post you made is basically a complaint, why even bother playing this game if it no longer suits your taste, self entitlement much? The new rangers were introduced some of the obvious reasons:

      1) To earn revenue
      2) For the ravine of death (it's not an easy stage at all as opposed to what panic said)
      3) For players who are willing to spend cash and do not want to grind their way to 90+ to make it to the end.
      4) For players who are willing to spend cash for pvp tournament

      I do agree that the developers should be more lenient with the rubies, like allowing us to sell old 5star rangers in exchange for rubies, to have a chance at gacha to get the new ones. Introducing new powerful rangers is fine IMO, as long as they also work with bringing more harder end game content.

    7. back at that time when susu came out, i wanted to have master ksm and bernard.. then i was thinking, "wow, susu is technically bernard and KSM in 1 ranger".. that is the reason i spent money on rubies to master susu.. but now, susu is like a joke to new ranger..
      every team battle, i always start by calling susu out.. when my susu dies before i can spam my other susu, u know what i do? i just pause the game, take a deep breath, exhale.. and i hit restart... bcause i know there is nothing i can do.. LOL
      this is what bothers me.. even having dkb as long range hitter (u know how good the range is and how low his HP is), when rangers reach half of their HP, they got knocked back, right? i call susu out when the battle start, then after far enough i call out dkb to make sure he doesnt stand too close to susu.. then edward came.. dkb is safe so far.. but when susu got knocked back, edward can run over my dkb.. this is why i just stop trying when my susu cant tank enough before i spam another.. thats how ridiculous the new rangers are..

      ive been trying to alternate my ranger to face those new rangers by adding bernard and/or dwight as an additional tank.. ive managed to get bernard till 75 and dwight to 70, but they are also like a paper to new ranger..

  17. Much like some of you, I have stopped playing line ranger as well. The discouraging part for me was not the burn out, but as a freebie player, you witness new characters every month progressively get stronger to the point where it is ridiculous. If I saved all my rubies from day one and used them this time around, the results would be so much better. This almost seems like the game alienates dedicated players from beginning like myself.

    Another suggestion to line is that team battle should be organized by guys that won previously and also guys that never spent any money on the games. So essentially you would have two modes. One where high ranked from previous tournament results and another where it is all freebie players. I never even use team battle because you can never get ranked if you don't spend the money.

    1. Well, just a heads up about that. From my own experience, I can assure that any player supplied with a high mineral level and a balanced team of mastered free rangers and unmastered premium ones (my only mastered premium ranger is the "awesome" 4* biker James) may get up to 40 rubies in PVP mode weekly with more or less effort and, of course, a bit of luck.

      This week is being harder than ever for me, because I had the most catastrophic outcome ever in my 300 rubies gacha (only one Summer, one Summer Brown and one DKB surrrounded by hoards of pews and danes), and still I'm ranking 25k despite playing very few battles per day.

  18. Thanks for the upgrade panic.
    Yeah, I am tired out to play line ranger too.
    Recently I played lets get rich with friends (though I also aware that it may not last long).

    However, it is just too pity for line ranger developer to start pvp battle and has shifted their focus on earning as much money as possible by releasing always-overpowered-new ranger every month. It make the last month's ranger become "ancient", althought we have spent hundred dolars to mastered it.

    For me, I also have spent much dollar to this game, and what a pity, I have lost my passion to play this game.

    1. I know, right?

      It's true that this game has been like this from its very earliest days. I remember when I started playing I consistently dreamt of getting a single Thunder Brown, Lucifer Cony or Charismatic Jessica from premium gacha (no 20% boost per combination or mastered effects back then).

      Or even less! I was lacking splashing power because the ancient Cobe event ended up just when I had managed to get only one unit, so I was extremely jealous of people who had Clara (Clara!) as part of their lineups and therefore were able to pass stage 60 with so much less trouble than myself, using ultrapowerful folks such as Gangster Boss, Styne or Pew, lol.

      Ah, those were glorious days, so much fun playing this game. Player level 60 (the maximum at that moment) seemed so hard to achieve, lol, just look at the ridiculous current pricing of upgrades.

      Then Sorcerer Cony came out and it was light years apart from every other ranger. When she started to populate the game ecosystem, KSM came out and made her close to obsolete, to the point that the player community created a list of friends with KSM in their teams to be added and used as friend help.

      But this latest release, specially because of Kinnara Cony and MuayThai Brown has been too much. Let's hope that the developers should read this blog too. I'm pretty sure that they did in the past, so why not now, to learn about their mistakes, please the players who support the game, and let it evolve into its full potential, which is still a lot.

    2. 100% with you in this message, mate. You nailed it.

    3. /signed
      And all that.
      I wanted Clara so badly back then, it's ridiculous thinking back on it.

    4. The obsoletion cycle is far too fast. Already the mood here recalls that in MMOs (will someone now post to scold me for mentioning them?) like Everquest where, after years of expansions, people miss the days before extreme power bloating, days before extreme additions makes all the early content trivial. It's a natural part of a game's life cycle. But for it to happen this early suggests that the strategy of the devs here is not fixed on the long term.

  19. At the risk of being labelled a whiner, here's the crux of the issue as I see it.

    LR has two contradictory things going on. First, rapid "power creep." New rangers are more powerful at 60 than those a generation or two ago are mastered. Second, a slow, drawn-out levelling structure. Levels are slow. Mastering a ranger from a gacha is statistically likely to take months and hundreds of spins.

    The effect of these together means that the slow process of mastering a powerful ranger is inevitably accompanied by the release of new rangers that make the old one seem weak. Last gacha I got my fourth KSM, another slow step in mastering what was once the premiere ranger. In the same spins, I got Kinmara Cony, whose numbers at 60 already make something of a joke of all those months of powering up KSM.

    I truly believe this is where the frustration comes from. The satisfaction of mastering a ranger you've been working on for some time is never fully realised because of it, and instead it becomes easier to feel you're on a treadmill and can't keep up. A game can have rapid updates and expansions, or it can have slow, drawn-out power growth, but both together risks disenchanting long-term players. For the majority of us, we will labour ceaselessly without ever enjoying the fruits.

  20. Can we use the gache tickets only for premium or also for prenium 5+1??????????

    1. 2 of the tix for one gacha chance only.

    2. I think if you manage to accumulate 10 tickets, you can play the 5+1.

      Slightly related but different: if you have any tickets at all, the game will force you to use them over rubies (if you have 4 tickets and 90 rubies, it will make you use 2 tickets and 2 tickets on the regular single premium spin before it let's you burn 20x rubies.)

    3. Does the ticket expires?

  21. Thailand just got a free hip hop Brown as part of the tvc event. That would be awesome, except he is already obsolete. Brings mine to level 70. They are spending a lot promoting in Thailand. Too bad everyone here already plays. We just don't buy rubies because the 380 Ruby pack is 5 times the minimum daily wage. Even when you can afford that it is still a huge amount of money.

  22. What sort of justification is it to keep playing something cos you've spent money on it? Do you know what a sunk cost is? A sunk cost is effectively everytime you buy rubies for this game. Man, suck it up and get over it that you spent $x to master Y and blah blah blah. I'm in particular referring to the person who got susu. They seem so entirely cut up over it.

    I agree that there are serial whiners on this site. It surprises me that instead of moving on with their lives, they come here to post. I understand people get annoyed every now and again, but man some people here just continually post how crap the game is.

    1. And some people can't stop preaching. You must be a player who got one of the latest ranger or one of those lucky freebies. *chuckles*

    2. Even though I have mastered all the new released rangers during the past 2 months, I don't think there is any problem with people complaining about the current state of the game since things have gone so crazy. Most of us here is the big fan of the game ( correct me if I am wrong ), they love and support the game, and they have the fully rights to express their disappointment with the release of crazy new rangers. I love the Line characters as well as Line rangers and I believe that it is still not too late for the developer to start making things right. Just want to let you guys know that I am disappointing with the current situation of the game as much as you are.

    3. Chuckling? Gross. And I don't even know what I was supposed to have been preaching.

      I actually haven't gotten any of the most recent rangers. I played up to Stage 120 without purchasing rubies and before they had heaps of these free rubies promotions/strong rangers.

      Anyway, my approach has been to play and continue playing without the need for purchasing rubies. Only until I've passed the stages with my current rangers will I then purchase rubies and enjoy the stronger ones for leveling up or the PvP battle.

  23. Can people really hack LR? I keep seeing that they have unlimited gems and coins like 99999999999 gems? Is that even real??????

  24. I honestly think the hack tool is a scam.

    1. Really??? Then how do they do the 99999999 on the screen???

    2. If its a screenshot, most likely photoshopped.

  25. Not sure but my friend tried to dl it and it had a virus attached and crashed his cpu, I'd be wary of doing it. But yeah I've been stuck at 140 for 2 weeks now and thinking about quitting. I spent $400 US and only got 2 Kinara Conys. This is crap.

    1. spent 200 bucks and got to max erica,kinnara and 75 muay thai. you are really unlucky. there was once where I got 2 erica, one kinnara and one muay thai all in one roll. got greedy and decided to try again, and it was one useless 5 star (can't remember) and the rest 4 stars... RNG is RNG. sigh should have stopped and be satisfied with that last roll.

  26. on an unrelated note i would like feedback on my team:


    lv 70 witch cony
    lv 65 mully
    lv 60 muay thai brown
    lv 60 ksm
    lv 60 chichi


    lv 60 luis
    lv 70 warrior jessica
    lv 60 lightning jessica
    lv 50 summer brown
    lv 50 best couple cony

    1. Wat do u mean by backup???

    2. I think he means "Main" as his current team, and "Backup" as his other rangers.

    3. thanks for the feedback

  27. One quick fix is to move the gacha and star system. Increase premium Rangers to 6* for the ones that are truly ridiculous like the new Rangers. Have the stages give out better Rangers like 2 four stars and 2 five stars in the next area. Change the gacha system to 1-4* using friendship points or two tier 1-3 and 2-4* using friendship points. Then 10 rubies for 4-5* only and 4-6* with 20 rubies and the bonus spin at 100 rubies. There really isn't a reason why 5* should be max premium best Rangers. This way, they can keep shifting star Rangers and keep the game going.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. dont click on this link. panic sleeping?

    2. No, just being a baddie. :{ Sorry about that guys.

    3. waa i clicked that link yesterday.. inside is a pic of moon, is that link contain any virus? :(

    4. It didn't outright do anything that I could pinpoint but just seemed suspicious. It crashed my browser before showing the pic. Didn't seem safe to leave on, just in case.

    5. There is no virus i swear it just a Bruce Lee Moon

    6. Alright then.

      fwiw, I think Bruce Lee Moon was a promo costume he had for some other thing not Rangers related.

  29. huh? i clicked on that link too - it is just a picture of Moon with different costume. What's wrong with that link?

  30. Just got the beans, a 4star balance ranger on his way to find his pod.

  31. Anyone know the stats of the Yaris Rangers?

  32. Beans seems useless. The stats is just so so...

    Maybe it's a ticket to new ranger, just like the Red Brown?

  33. haven't gotten beans but i have encountered it in battle, seems kind of lame but at the same time really spammable.

  34. US region still hasn't received beans yet.... Grr. The regional preferential treatment is really getting old.

    1. Finally got it a few minutes ago. Meh.

    2. uh not to be rude but it's not "regional preferential treatment", it's just because of the time zone. since line naver is located in asia, those time zones get everything first.

    3. We used to all get the same reset time, according to Japan Standard Time. They recently changed the resets to sort-of local time. I would understand if they reset certain events according to everyone's relative local time so they'd get reasonable hours to play, but for releasing new rangers? This isn't even the first time we've lagged behind while many other players have max level new rangers beating us up in PvP.

    4. When is the US reset? I thought it was on Japan time... better not have caused me to miss a day. Didn't get a log in event when I ran today :-(

    5. Oh FFS, due to the unannounced change to the daily reset time I think I got screwed out of 7/7. How can they change something like that and not have a notice telling players?! I've always gone by JST for the resets.

    6. Apparently midnight eastern time. Mostly found out from scratching my head a few days and comparing notes with a friend, then finally confirming it last night. I got beans just past 00:00 EST.

      Unannounced changes are the pits.

  35. Beans at lvl80 will be at 100359ATK and around 1223510 HP for 490 Minerals.

    1. Beans at level 80?? hahahahah keep dreaming man, a 4star ranger reaching level 80 hahahhaaha, but taking it aside it seems that your numbers are close to the reality, so we have to wait until we have the 5 Beans to view de real numbers.

    2. Sorry forgot the 4* only. I usually calculate for 5* stars.
      So for a 4star lvl70 MAX, 89117ATK, 1086422HP with 460 Minerals. It's one of the best 4 stars rangers if we compare by ATK/Minerals and HP/Minerals.

      Source: Maths of the game.

  36. I managed to miss a day somehow... sigh. Login rewards are not my preferred way of receiving rangers, given I often have an offline day or two each week. :(

    1. I, too, prefer earning event rangers via spamming levels. Yeah, takes some time to get the ranger during an event but at least you're in control of when you want to play. Especially since they've recently changed the login bonus reset time in my region. I can't remember sometimes if I logged in on not that day.

    2. Apparently though, you're not missing much. Everyone seems a bit unenthusiastic about Beans.

    3. You missed nothing, beans has pretty 'meh' attack and HP and stands right in melee splash range, roughly the same spot as Kinnara Cony and ChiChi, he also walks really slow which is the final nail in his coffin.

  37. The older 5 star rangers need a bit of buffing, or be demoted to 4 stars.

    1. I vote in favor of the buff to the old rangers because we invested a lot of time, effort and money to get and master those rangers, so line have to improve those rangers or slim down the new rangers and balance their power because is so ridiculous how they released such overpowered rangers, so the game is unbalanced now and anyone who got the new rangers (even if they are new players) can beat any player (even the veterans) who was unlucky to get the new rangers.

  38. seriously there needs to be a buff for the old rangers, downgrade the new, or make like, the rangers available at a certain level of the user

    like you're level 50, you can use mully, 60, chichi, 70, muay thai, 80, kinnara, etc

    it's pretty dumb when obvious low level users have kinnara and erica already

  39. I logged in everyday, but there was no beans on the 7th day. WTF...

  40. I also feel burn out with this game. I playing since the first time this game come out. This new rangers really a joke for old rangers, even summer a 4*, can beat old 5* like Alice. Even though I never spend money in this game,but still this make veterans looks like a fool. This new rangers are too overpowered, usually they only release 1 or max overpowered rangers every month, 1 of course limited.

    Rather than overpowered rangers, I prefer unique rangers like Edward, since there are stages that have enemy that can hit our long range rangers. Or maybe a buff rangers that can heal or have element like frozen or burn with fire (like samurai vs zombies, the gameplay almost similar).

    But to think again, they have to release that for player to finish the new level ravine of death. The bad news their raise the difficulties with super strong enemy rangers, 1 yellow lemonade thing, already give headache. I also stuck in 135, my line up master masked moon, lv65 cherina, lv70 Edward, lv75 hitman and master soco.

    So basically this game running to a wrong direction, if developers didn't fix this, people will abandon in 1-2 month.

    I have question, do you think the difficulties of maze of illusion decreased? I think it's easier than before.

    1. na bruh im stuck at the first boss at maze

  41. Bad news, me and my friends logged in everyday but there was NO beans on day 7. The daily bonus just skipped day 7 and returned to day 1. How strange :/

    1. You probably missed several hours, because they give enough time so everyone can get their logins rewards.

  42. Good news people, the Toyota Yaris Brown was already released (Driver Brown) you can obtain it in the Boss Stages (the red ones) so farm those stages and get your Driver Brown.

  43. Driver Brown is a Health only ranger. It has NO ATK.
    330Minerals, 218295HP, Very Fast move SPD.

  44. Sorry double post (can you merge it?)

    Brown Driver level 70: 510Minerals, 2401245HP, which is 4708HP/Minerals. Very good stats but the 16secs cooldown (8secs master) a bit too much I think.

    1. And you know it because...

      Did you already mastered it? or you extracted those stats from some website ?
